TWICS – Training for Work in Communities

Who are TWICS?

TWICS is a Community Work Training Organisation which was established in 1997 and has a track record and clear commitment to social justice, equal opportunities and collective working with local communities

It is one of the few organisations in Southampton offering training specifically for the Community and Voluntary sectors and the only organisation in Southampton offering accredited Community Development Training.

TWICS works with groups and individuals from some of the most economically deprived neighbourhoods, including Black and minority ethnic communities, lone parents, people with disabilities and those with low educational attainment.

It works with individuals to raise aspirations, develop self-awareness, skills, knowledge and the confidence to improve their lives, engage with their communities and, hopefully, gain employment in the community.

TWICS works with locally based ‘grass roots’ community groups to enable them to better represent the interests of their communities for example: to improve governance, to work inclusively, to work collaboratively with other groups and communities, to recognise barriers to participation and to learn from their actions and activities

You can find out more by visiting their website